Gospel Centered Marriage Couple's Experience (2 Books + Course)

Gospel Centered Marriage Couple's Experience (2 Books + Course)

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Gospel Centered Marriage is our core marriage learning experience. This bundle includes two (2) physical connection guides and instant access to the online learning experience.

Every couple should complete this course to learn about the big truths in marriage and how they inform the most prevalent areas in your relationship.

Having a strong marriage doesn't happen by accident!

Don't wait until you're in crisis before working on your most important human relationship. Start today and enjoy unity, closeness, and friendship for life.

This is our most comprehensive marriage curriculum, experienced by thousands of couples worldwide.

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The Gospel Centered Marriage Couple's Experience bundle includes:


A Better Foundation, Greater Closeness, Deeper Joy

Discover how God defines marriage and learn ways to flourish in lifelong love.

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Full Spectrum Growth

The 3 Core Needs

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Six Sessions Over 6–8 Weeks

Each week builds on the last, instilling the truths and power of the Gospel in to the DNA of your marriage and household. Here's what you can expect:

Session 1: Groundwork

Clearly understand the three foundational truths of marriage: the Gospel, love, and covenant.

Session 2: Expectations

Complete the expectations assessment to learn what assumptions you have in your relationship.

Session 3: Communication/Conflict

Establish "peacetime and wartime strategies" for building better, more productive communication habits

Session 4: Sex & Intimacy

Learn how trust, transparency, and intimacy trace back to the Gospel.

Session 5: Household

Decipher the "economies of the home" and build unity around the biggest stressors in marriage: money, priorities, and chores.

Session 6: Purpose

Marriage matters for so many reasons beyond you! Discuss your purpose and build a plan to live in full light of the Gospel.

What People are Saying

Thousands of couples have grown their marriages through Gospel Centered Marriage. Here's some of what they're saying:

Ryan and Selena have such loving hearts that we were able to have a positive experience even among some difficult conversations.

Lauren G.

This course was an answer to prayer.We feel more connected and in unity with each other and with God after this course.

Jessica T.

As someone newly-married, this course taught my wife and I how to better understand the purpose and significance of marriage, as well as understand tangibly how todevelop a framework for a lasting marriage.

The Motts

This course helped us see where we were not as connected as we thought. It helped us realize areas that we were lacking and gave us a starting place to begin connecting better in those areas.

Matthew P.


Meet the Fredericks

After 19 years married and four kids in the quiver, we're honored to walk alongside couples like you.

Through our books, teaching, and weekly podcast (10M downloads!), we help folks cultivate gospel-centered marriages.

We look forward to growing with you!

Ryan & Selena Frederick
Co-Founders, Fierce Marriage

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What people are saying

These two are amazing at being real and honest with the world we are in today. God has blessed them to help all marriages in this world and I love listening!


I cannot begin to express my gratitude towards you guys and how the Lord is using you. This podcast has been a light in a very dark time in my life. Continually bringing me back to the foot of the cross and Jesus.



Anywhere, any time.

Access the videos and worksheets from any device and pick up right where you left off.

Go through sessions whenever—and wherever—it's most convenient for you, and at a pace that works best.

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Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start?

It is completely self-paced. You decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the course?

Forever. (Or until it's gone.)

How long will it take to complete?

Mini courses are designed to be fast and practical. So, we've distilled them down so you can watch the videos and complete the connection worksheet in ~90 minutes. Long-form courses, on the other hand, are designed to take up to 6-8 weeks.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

We work hard to make these resources, and you work hard for the money you spend. So, we want you to be satisfied!

If you are not satisfied, contact us within 30 days and we'll give you a refund. It's that easy.

Marriages built for the glory of Christ

Learn, Grow, bear Fruit